How to Manage Anxiety
I had my first official panic attack when I was 26 years old. Having no idea what was happening to me I called my doctor and, based on my list of symptoms, he told me to go to the ER. After many hours of waiting and many hours of tests, I was sent home. “Nothing is wrong with you,” they said. This happened again and again and again until I gave up.
How to Deal with Differences in a Dating Relationship
How does one decide if differences are deal-breakers? This is entirely unique to each individual and couple, but if you want a prescribed formula, you are not alone. Here is the formula that worked for us while traveling for a month in Europe.
The Number One Reason Why People Don’t Sign Up for Life Coaching
People don’t sign up for life coaching for the same reason I almost didn’t sign up for a 10-day Art of Desire retreat in England.
How to Communicate Better in Your Relationship
If you are struggling with a lack of communication in your relationship, it is likely due to one of three fears: fear of losing the relationship, hurting someone’s feelings, or being vulnerable. Read on to develop awareness surrounding these fears and how to overcome them, so you can communicate effectively with your significant other.
What Keeps LDS Young Adults from Marriage
Some of the BEST things to do for a relationship are not connected to the relationship itself. Grow yourself up! If you want to feel happier, more confident, and more connected to others, step into your own life.
How to Develop Healthy Sexuality as an LDS Single (Part Two)
Being sexy is not ALL about looks and body type. When I ask others, “What do you think is sexy?” the most common reply is: “Confidence.”
Talking about and Overcoming Unwanted Porn Use in your LDS Relationship
Motivation to not view porn starts with making decisions that align with what you want. Look at the results of what porn does and does not do for you. What do you want instead?
Navigating Mental Health Conditions in your Dating Life
Sharing the truth about your mental health issues can create more opportunity for connection, love, and understanding. It’s actually the most responsible way of showing up in a relationship. Most people can relate to the challenges of managing and talking about mental health conditions.
How to Develop Healthy Sexuality as an LDS Single
How do you embrace your sexuality while dating, and why is it important if you’re not having sex?
LDS Gen Z and Millennial Dating Trends
Read this summary of my 120 dating interviews and discover that you are not alone, and there is nothing wrong with you.