The Number One Reason Why People Don’t Sign Up for Life Coaching

People don’t sign up for life coaching for the same reason I almost didn’t sign up for a 10-day Art of Desire retreat in England:



Why We Love Excuses

An excuse is a reason to not do something. It’s a great way to avoid what scares you. Excuses can give us security and safety because we use them as explanations to back up our decisions. Excuses often masquerade as facts that appear to be solid and convincing evidence.


Favorite Excuses

As soon as I read about Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife’s Art of Desire retreat, I really wanted to go. But before I could entertain the possibility, my mind said, “Not possible.”

First line of excuses:

1) I can’t afford it,

2) I don’t have the time, and

3) I already know this stuff.


How to Move From Excuses to Possibility

All kinds of other excuses popped up, including the words SOLD OUT, which was a sure sign that I just needed to drop my desire and carry on with life as usual. But then I saw the words, “Join the waitlist.” As I added my name to the list, I entertained the possibility with these two questions and one motivational exclamation:

1) How can I afford it?

2) How can I make time?

3) This is an opportunity to dive deeper, learn MORE, and have fun! That’s what I want!


As it turns out, my name came up on the waitlist, and it felt as if I had won the golden ticket. I knew that somehow I was going to make this 10-day trip to England a reality. And I did! The rewards outweighed the excuses by a million miles!




Main Takeaways From My 10-Day Retreat in England

With guidance from Dr. Finlayson-Fife, I learned how to embrace truth and freedom more fully by being honest with myself and others. As a retreat group, we traveled and literally frolicked around England as we toured Jane Austen sights, dressed up like Jane Austen characters, and took Regency dance lessons. I was in heaven! Together, we practiced compassion for ourselves and others as we participated in lectures and discussions about relationships and sexuality. Some of my favorite takeaways were: How to choose between making others happy and making myself happy, recognizing that forging a healthy sense of self takes courage, and the difference between common romance and yin-yang energy.


Drop Your Excuses for Expansion of Self

The Art of Desire retreat was a wonderful training ground for honing one’s life coaching skills, but more importantly it was a gift I gave to myself. It was fun, insightful, adventurous, brave, and life-changing!! Overcoming excuses for something so much bigger and better than you can possibly imagine is worth the risk or discomfort. Choose to see what’s possible for YOU!


If you were to sign up for a 10-day retreat in a different country, where would you want to go? What life-changing experience would make it worth your time and money?


Have you ever considered life coaching, but let your excuses hold you back? Consider what’s possible. What do you ultimately desire? Take life coaching for a test drive by scheduling a consultation, which is a full 45-minute coaching session with a guaranteed breakthrough at 75% off of a one-time call.


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